
Our corporate governance stands for responsible, transparent management and supervision directed towards sustainable, long-term value creation.

The Management Board and Supervisory Board place great value on good corporate governance to continuously foster the confidence in DOUGLAS Group by our investors, customers and other business partners, employees, and the general public.

Supervisory Board

This controlling body monitors, audits and advises the management board of the DOUGLAS Group. The supervisory board is made up of twelve elected members.

DR HENNING KREKEChairman, Entrepreneur, Hagen/Germany
DR ALEXANDER DIBELIUSManaging Partner/Managing Director, CVC, Frankfurt a. M./Germany
DR DANIEL PINDURPartner, CVC, Frankfurt a. M./Germany
CAN TOYGARSenior Managing Director, CVC, Frankfurt a. M./Germany
PAMELA KNAPPEntrepreneur
ULRIKE GAAL*Commercial Assistant
VESNA MANDALENAKES*Commercial Assistant
STEFANIE HÜBNER*Head of E-Commerce Germany
ULRIKE GRABE*Head of section, Münster/Germany
PETRA RINGER*Trade Union Secretary at ver.di Trade Section, Berlin
PETER KÖNIG*Trade Union Secretary at ver.di Trade Section, Würzburg/Aschaffenburg and Schweinfurt

 *Employee representatives